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The senate of Uruguay approves a bill to legalise internet gambling

With yesterday's Senate approval, Uruguay's internet gambling plan is one step closer to becoming law (16 August).

Yesterday, the law was discussed at a parliamentary meeting, and the Chamber of Senators of Uruguay voted to enact it.

The country's House of Representatives will now receive the bill for additional review.

If approved, the measure will give the Ministry of Economy and Finance's General Directorate of Casinos authority to control internet gambling in Uruguay.

In order to keep track of all online gambling companies, a national register would be maintained.

Additionally, a fund would be established under the General Directorate of Casinos to donate a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 8% of gross revenue to the effort to stop the negative effects of online gambling and pay for therapy.

If licenced operators break the rules established in the bill, they risk a warning, a fine ranging from UYU10,000 (£206.60/€245.20) to UYU100,000 (£2,066/€2,451), or the suspension of their licence.

The day after the Executive Power of Uruguay has adopted the legislation's rules, the statute will become operative.

A law prohibiting the operation of offshore gaming websites in Uruguay was passed back in 2017.


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