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  • Flexi Group

The Metaverse in 2022 and Beyond

We launched the first edition of our metaverse report in July 2021.

Then, the metaverse, NFTs, and blockchain gaming transitioned from being largely unknown concepts to ubiquitous terms on the lips of every major brand or investor. Despite the hype somewhat cooling down in recent months—partly as a result of the global macroeconomic situation—interest in the metaverse as a natural and immersive successor to the 2D internet is still at an all-time high.

The transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 will not only impact the modus operandi of (major) brands, but also the way in which consumers live, work, and experience entertainment.

The evolution of simulated, 3D worlds presents a particularly massive opportunity for brands. The transition from diffused physical spaces and into virtual worlds provides them with a new opportunity to reach a highly condensed mass of users that is more difficult to both

approach and monetize through other forms of advertising. This transition into virtual worlds can only accelerate as the current generations of digital natives age and as virtual experiences become more authentic. Fast-moving brands like Nike, Louis Vuitton,

Balenciaga, or technology brands like Meta—to name just a few—recognized this shifting of the tide and have already developed metaverse strategies.

Moreover, while NFTs and blockchain games have experienced a spectacular 2021, a severe drawback in the crypto market along with fears of a global recession have both led to public interest and coin valuations substantially waning in recent months. As a result, this

correction will likely end most of the (low effort) endeavors in these areas. Nevertheless, we remain optimistic about the future and remain confident that the top projects will succeed.

Given how fast-moving this space still is, an elemental understanding of the building blocks and trends that surround it is essential.

Therefore, in this report, we identify and discuss the top 10 prevailing trends in the metaverse, blockchain gaming, and NFT space.

Understanding these trends (and what drives them) will help companies endemic to gaming, consumer brands, and consumers alike to navigate the murky waters of the metaverse, along with its connection to NFTs and blockchain games. We hope you find this report insightful and useful for shaping your strategy in 2022 and beyond.


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