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  • Flexi Group

The Gambling Commission reminded operators of their responsibilities regarding digital advertising.

According to the UK Gambling Commission, online gambling providers must ensure that their digital advertisements are not displayed on websites that provide unlawful access to copyrighted information. 

Third-party marketing affiliates' digital advertisements are included in this category as well. A licensee must take all reasonable steps to ensure that "third parties with whom they contract for the provision of any aspect of their business that is related to the licensed activities do not place digital advertisements on websites that provide unauthorised access to copyrighted content," the Commission stated.

Additionally, according to the regulator, licensed businesses must make certain that “the terms upon which they contract with such third parties enable them, subject to compliance with any dispute resolution provisions, to terminate the third party’s contract promptly if, in the licensee’s reasonable opinion, the third party has been responsible for placing digital advertisements for the licensed activities on such websites.”

Additionally, according to the regulator, licensed businesses must make certain that “the terms upon which they contract with such third parties enable them, subject to compliance with any dispute resolution provisions, to terminate the third party’s contract promptly if, in the licensee’s reasonable opinion, the third party has been responsible for placing digital advertisements for the licensed activities on such websites.”

Because advertising that appears on these websites adds to their income, the Commission concluded that gambling is associated with illegal activity.

The regulator went on to argue that while there has been a dramatic drop in the number of gambling advertisements showing on copyright infringing websites, a significant number of advertisements continue to appear. As a result, operators must either implement extra controls or review their current monitoring procedures.

It was observed that one method would be to gain access to and make proactive use of the Infringing Website List, which the Commission has not disclosed as specific measures that operators can take (IWL).

An updated list of copyright infringement websites is available on the PIPCU website, which is owned by the City of London Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit.


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